Hello everyone and welcome to my new weekly blog. I wanted to start this to help support small businesses...and shine a light on some truly amazing people that I've come across.

This week I want to feature an amazing man and TikToker, Josh Chisholm. He has an amazing Etsy Shop called BostonCrafternoon. His shop showcases amazing hand made signs that sport sayings like "Hate Has No Home Here", "Forget the Dog, Beware Of Children", and quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. and our late Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

I love that his signs help support inclusion for all...regardless of our skin color, orientation, and for anyone to be who their own true self.
I think no matter where we are in life...so many of us can agree that we can all do without hate, and start embracing love and acceptance for others. We're all humans just trying to get through this life that we've been dealt and standing together can make the world a more beautiful and wonderful place.
In the words of Betty White (which he's put on a sign..go check it out) "Everybody needs a passion. Thats what keeps life interesting. If you live without passion you can go through life without leaving any footprints."

If you have dogs for your fur babies...there's a sign for you too!
If you click on the button below you'll be taken to his Etsy Shop!