I have to tell a little story on myself here...I used to be HORRIBLE at time management, keeping track of doctors appointments, or making sure I had everything written down in one place. I'd never be late to things...but I'd always be the one to be calling and asking "what time did we need to be there again?" Or "what day did we need to be there?"
It was frustrating for me so it had to be frustrating for everyone else on the other end of things.
When I started my business over three years ago I knew I had to make a change in order to not only be professional about things, but to keep track of clients and time so that I could manage better.
As I started designing in Canva for my graphic design work I realize that I could create planner pages that fit me, my business, and how my brain worked. I started creating daily planners that were mapped out by the hour so that I could block out my time. At this time the pandemic had hit and schools weren't in person so with the kids at home I had to plan out their homework, my work and the other things that life brought. I also had weekly planners so that I could look ahead for any appointments or reminders from the school.
Heres what mine look like:

Any commenters interested I'll customize one for you for free!